XTRACT Level 3 – Handling Emotional Release


This course consists of 7 modules covering Identifying Toxicity in the body and how emotions create further toxic load, how it is stored in the body and the Importance of Cleansing both body and mind. How to use XTRACT along with others ways such as Sleep, Hydration, Nutrition & Exercise to clear and retrain the Lymph system.

This Course is a Pre-Requisite for XTRACT Level 4: Instructor

This course is non-refundable. This course is meant to be completed within 3 months.

Upon purchase of this course, you will gain access to the content for 6 months (180) days.


XTRACT Level 3 teaches the theory of the connection of the Mind and Body through emotional trauma in order for our students to understand and assist the clients to a higher level of health.

Early evidence of cellular memory shows that it’s not just our brain, but our body’s cells that could hold an imprint of past traumatic events.

When receiving bodywork that relaxes your fascia by finding restricted areas of the body and unwinding that tissue. It’s not uncommon for memories and emotions to surface during a session.


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